Member Spotlight: Child Brain Injury Trust
Brain Awareness Week 2024
During Brain Awareness Week 2024, we will be highlighting some of our fantastic member organisations.
Today we are highlighting Child Brain Injury Trust.
What is an acquired brain injury?
Acquired Brain Injury, or ABI is an injury that occurs after birth and after a period of development expected for that individual. These impairments may be temporary or permanent and cause partial or functional disability or psychosocial maladjustment. They can be caused by infection, disease, lack of oxygen or a blow to the head cause (e.g., assault or road traffic collisions). Symptoms of a brain injury can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain.
Who are Child Brain Injury Trust?
The Child Brain Injury Trust is the leading voluntary sector organisation providing emotional and practical support, information and learning opportunities for families and professionals affected by childhood acquired brain injury across the UK. As a team, the Child Brain Injury Trust provides support to families and professionals from the acute stage of injury in hospital, right through to the transition into adult services.
What support does Child Brain Injury Trust offer?
Support provided by the Child Brain Injury Trust includes:
Return to Education plans to support the transition back into education
Accredited & bespoke training for professionals
ABI Awareness sessions for schools, families, siblings & peer groups
Advice & support with benefits & funding applications
Small grants programme & emergency grants
Counselling for children with ABI, their siblings (age 11+) and extended family members
Family events throughout the year
Support Hubs for parents & carers
Closed parent support groups
E-learning library of webinars and resources
Directory of service and support organisations
Access to specialist brain injury legal advice service
How can people contact Child Brain Injury Trust?
You can find out more, or contact the Child Brain Injury Trust for support via the Advice, Information & Referral service on: 0303 303 2248, via or